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loves technology for the sake of technology. In fact, Dilbert loves technology more
than people. He's got the social skills of a mousepad and he'd rather surf the Internet
than Waikiki (which, considering the physique he developed after years of sitting in
front of a PC screen, is a blessing).
Terry Pratchett is the author of humorous fantasy-based novels, best-known for his
popular Discworld series. The L-Space Web
is a web site dedicated entirely to providing information on all aspects of
Terry Pratchett and his work.
filmagenda en bioscoopagenda van Nederland |
is an online store selling books, music titles, DVDs, videos, electronics
and a wide range of software, PC and video games.
In addition to
robot books,
you will also find a selection of robot toys, movies, educational toys, magazines,
motors, and robot kits.
Circuit Cellar
- Magazine for Computer Application. Practical, hands-on applications and
solutions for embedded-control designers.
Circuit Cellar Online
offers articles illustrating creative solutions and unique applications
through complete projects, practical tutorials, and useful design techniques.
The Newsletter
of the Seattle Robotics Society