This is the place where you will find articles about robotics and other stuff
that are written by me. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to
email me.
Miscellanious |
Summary: "Growing up with Lucy"
This article summarizes Steve Grand's book "Growing up with Lucy".
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JNI + JAR + Applet (+ Cygwin) HOWTO
This howto expains how to access a DLL from an Applet running in a Web Browser, without installing the DLL separatly on the client PC.
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Summary: "On Intelligence"
This article summarizes Jeff Hawkins's book "On Intelligence".
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Topo I articles |
Original doc
This page contains the original documentation of my Topo.
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Annotated Topo
This page contains a description of the schematics of Topo.
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Topo II articles |
This page contains the specifications of TOPO II.
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TOPO II Firmware
This article describes my attempts to reverse-engineer the firmware of the TOPO II robots.
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