James White





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This page contains the books of my favorite author James White.

The Secret Visitors  

The Secret Visitors

James White - 1963 
ISBN Digit Books No R479

They had to find the way to another world a means of communicating with creatures they could barely imagine... They had to stop a war that was originating in the farthest stars, or else surrender the Earth unconditionally to the beings from outer space.

Open Prison  

Open Prison

James White - 1965 
ISBN Four-Square No 1228, 3/6d


The aliens had a simple method of dealing with captured prisoners. They put them all on an Earth-type planet, with a satellite as monitor, and left them to fend for themselves! Some wanted to escape, and made the most elaborate plans. Others married female officers, built a house, started to farm and virtually forgot about Earth and the War.




When space gets too crowded - what then?

James White - 1964 
ISBN Ballantine Books, No U2224

JAMES WHITE has produced a long series of remarkable science fiction stories over the years - notably the running of a fantastic space hospital geared for all kinds of extra-terrestrial beings.

In DEADLY LITTER, he turns his hand to the peculiar problems of man in space. Four ingenious tales explore some of the wild - and not so wild - possibilities; the pressures, dangers, boredom man will have to suffer, and the courage it will take to get homo sapiens to live in a totally hostile element.

Excitement, suspense and the thread of realistic humor hold together these four fast moving tales of the future.

In de ban van het gevaar  

In de ban van het gevaar

James White - 1969 
ISBN Born, Amsterdam, SF 11

In de lente van 1978 dringt een reusachtig buitenaards ruimteschip het zonnestelsel binnen, waarna het in een omloopbaan om de zon terecht komt op een afstand van vijfenzeventig miljoen kilometer van de aarde. Het Schip zendt geen signalen uit en reageert niet op pogingen om ermee in contact te treden. Stil en dreigend volgt het zijn baan, als een gigantische oorlogsbodem die voor de kust van een klein, vergeten eilend kruist.

De nieuwschierigheid van de inboorlingen op dat eiland - de aarde - is onvermijdelijk sterker dan hun angst, en zes mannen in twee miniscule ruimtecapsules - de uitgeholde boomstammen van de twintigste eeuw - worden uitgezonden om die nieuwsgierigheid te bevredigen.

Dat is het begin van deze fascinerende science fiction-roman. Fascinerend, omdat het een verhaal is over de reacties van zes heel gewone mensen op wat waaschijnlijk de meest ongewone situatie is, die men zich kan voorstellen - het eerste contact met intelligente buitenaardse wezens...

De veelgeprezen science fiction-auteur James White heeft een meesterlijk talent voor het scheppen van situaties waarin de mens in een totaal vreemde en vijandige omgeving gedwongen wordt zijn overlevingskansen te benutten. 'In de ban van het gevaar' is daar een voortreffelijk voorbeeld van.

De Buitenste Duisternis  

De Buitenste Duisternis

James White - 1976 
ISBN 90-6221-441-x

Mercer is, aan de vooravond van zijn eerste ruimtevlucht, een beetje nerveus, al gebeuren er dan geen ongelukken meer in de ruimte. Met vliegtuigen ja, en ook op het aard oppervlak vinden nagenoeg dagelijks mensen de dood, maar, dank zij alle kosten en moeiten, niet of zelden bij ruimtereizen.

Mercer verkeert in de ongelukkige situatie in naam ruimtevaarder te zijn, maar in feite is hij niet meer dan steward voor de passagiers, de laagste levensvorm voor de ruimtevaarders in de controlekamer. Als hij de zaak in de hand wil houden moet hij zorgen dat de passagiers zijn status niet ontdekken. De eerste officier van de Eurydice schijnt zijn problemen te moete vergroten, want nauwelijks heeft Mercer voet aan boord gezet of hij krijgt te horen: ..Als u een probleem zou hebben, vraag dan niet te snel mij om hulp. Stel het zolang mogelijk uit, want wij zullen niet glimlachend uw taak overnemen."

En Mercer hééft problemen: de veiligheidsoefeningen en overlevingstechnieken, zoals het handboek die voorschrijven. Maar niemand help hem...

Dark Inferno is een tot in details uitgewerkt, volstrekt geloofwaardig verslag van een ruimtevlucht. Zo volledig slaagde James White in zijn opzet dat, wanneer de Eurydice in moeilijkheden komt, spanning, angst en onzekerheid gelijk zijn aan die waarmee een actuele reportage gepaard gaat.

James White is onlongs onderscheiden met de Europe Science Fiction prijs voor de beste SF-roman in de periode 1968-1971. En die verdient hij!


Monsters and Medics

James White - 1977 
ISBN 0-345-25623-9

SECOND ENDING. A Complete Short Novel. Awakening from a deep sleep can be hell for anyone. But for a medical student who had been in suspended animation for more than two centuries, it was a particularly terrifying hell. For Ross suddenly was alive, aware and imprisoned five miles underground in a world he didn't know... and he was being prepared for a fate beyond his wildest dreams!


COUNTER SECRITY. A locked-store thriller in which the only way to solve impossible crimes is with impossible solutions.

NUISANCE VALUE. A curious family affair where one man's obsession is another man's top secret.

DOGFIGHT. An inter-galactic war story in which man's worst enemies are the last to know the truth about their friends...

-And lots more-

HOSPITAAL tussen de Sterren  

HOSPITAAL tussen de Sterren

James White - 1962 
ISBN 90-6221-551-3

Hospitaal tussen de Sterren houdt zich niet bezig met ruimte-oorlogen of waanzinnige wetenchappen - zijn helden zijn geen ruimtevaarders of technici. Het is de geschiedenis van een reusachtig hospitaal in het Universum, waar iedereen en alles kan worden behandeld. De helden zijn doktoren en verpleegsters - die acht benen hebben... of helemaal geen. En die methaan inademen - of water. Iedere patiënt is een fantastisch probleem en een uitdaging tegelijk - zoals een invalide benaderen die zich 'voedt' met straling. Of zorgen voor een zieke baby, die meer dan een halve ton weegt.

CHIRURG tussen de Sterren  

CHIRURG tussen de Sterren

James White - 1977 
ISBN 90-6221-561-0

Chirurg tussen de Sterren is de tweede der Kronieken van Sector General, het gigantische ziekenhuis dat in de ruimte meedraait en waar patiënten van allerlei aard, van alle werelden, genezing komen zoeken. Maar voor de eerste keer wordt het hospitaal zelf bedreigd. Door wezens die te nadrukkelijk anders zijn om het doel van het immense bouwwerk te begrijpen en tegelijk zo machtig dat totale vernietiging binnen hun mogelijkheden ligt. Sector General zal een strijd om te overleven onder het oog moeten zien, waarvan de afloop volstrekt onzeker is.



James White - 1977 
ISBN 90-6221-641-2

Sector General is een gigantisch ziekenhuis, dat zich ver voorbij de grens van de Melkweg bevindt. Geen ander ziekenhuis, op of buiten de Aarde heeft te kampen met de enorme verscheidenheid aan problemen, doe worden geschapen door de honderden verschillende vreemde levensvormen, die naar SECTOR GENERAL komen, om zich te laten behandelen. Dokter zijn - menselijk of anders - in dat ziekenhuis, vereist een graad van aanpassingsvermogenn, die Hippocrates zich nooit voor heeft kunnen stellen.



Four tales of medical disaster and imaginative recovery

James White - 1983 
ISBN 0-345-30851-4


ACCIDENT. A spaceship crashes and two war heroes must decide how many - and which - victims can be saved...

SURVIVOR. A doctor contracts a fatal illness and his only hope lies in a colleague's courage...

INVESTIGATION. All the victims have lost their limbs! The medics think they have the answer, but they are wrong...

COMBINED OPERATION. To reassemble a living jigsaw puzzle, Dr. Conway needs an alien's cooperation - but first he must learn to communicate with it...




James White - 2001 
ISBN 0-312-87544-4

"Sector General is one of the few places in SF that one would really, really like to exist." -David Langford

Sector General: A massive deep-space hospital station on the Galactic Rim, where human and alien medicine meet. Its 384 levels and thousands of staff members are supposedly able to meet the needs of any conceivable alien patient - though that capacity is always being strained as more (and stranger) alien races turn up to join the galactic community. Sentient viruses, interspecies romances, undreamed-of institutional catering problems - it all lands on Sector General's doorstep. And the only thing weirder than hitherto unknown alien species is having a member of that alien species turn up in your Emergency Room.

This first of two omnibus volumes reprints the works that began the Sector General series, which were previously published as Hospital Station (1962), Star Surgion (1963), and Major Operation (1971).

"Over the years White has built a large and enthusiastic audience for his Sector General series, which concerns a fully realized interspecies hospital on the rim of the Galaxy. His fascinating cast of characters and his believe in the basic decency of all intelligent life-forms have seen him through six Sector General books over the past quarter century." -James Gunn, The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

"Neat, humorous, and humane." - The Ultimate Guide to SF



James White - 2002 
ISBN 0-312-87770-6

"A remarkable achievement... The argument developed in the series has lost none of its force." -Brian Stableford

"Neat, humorous, and humane." - The Ultimate Guide to SF

Sector General: a vast hospital complex in the depths of outer space. The thousands who work there, human and alien both, have a single mission: to care for all patients, of all species. At Sector General, anything can happen - and frequently does.

James White's tales of Sector General are lively, humorous, and humane at times shot through with a healer's anger at violence and destruction. These are endlessly inventive dramas of civility and spirituality, tempered with White's gently wicked wit and his keen eye for the remarkable in the everday.

Now, in a single omnibus, the second three volumes of the series - Ambulance Ship, Sector General, and Star Healer - return to print in complete and corrected editions, including a sequence ("Spacebird") omitted from previous American editions of Ambulance Ship. The volume is introduced by Hugo-winning SF writer and critic David Langford.

"Dry wit and a glimpse into alien psychology... Highly recommended!" -Library Journal

"Sector General is one of the few places in SF that one would really, really like to exist." -David Langford



James White - 2003 
ISBN 0-765-30663-8

"Highly recommended!" -Library Journal

"White ha been presenting fresh creative aliens for fourty years, with gentle humor and kindness." -The Denver Post

At Sector General, anything can happen - and frequently does. In this vast hospital in the depths of space, the thousands of staff, human and alien both, have a single mission: to care for all patients, of all species. For decades, these dramas of humanity and humor have commanded a following among science fiction readers. Now in a single omnibus, the seventh and eighth volumes of the series - Code Blue: Emergency and The Genocidal Healer - return to print, along with an introduction by John Clute.

"Mr. White is a sure source of high entertainment." -Romantic Times

"Sector General is one of the few places in SF that one would really, really like to exist." -David Langford

Mind Changer  

Mind Changer

James White - 1998 
ISBN 0-812-54196-0

It's where human and alien medicine meet: a massive hospital space station on the Galactic Rim, with 384 levels and a multispecies staff of thousands.

In the course of practicing deep-space medicine, that staff has seen more than its share of challenges - from plagues caused by cafetaria food, to cafetaria food that resembles alien species. But now they face a disquieting new development: the terrifying Chief Psychologist, Dr. O'Mara, has been promoted to head of the hospital.

Worse, he's been given the job on a temporary basis, for just as long as it takes to train his own replacement. After that, he is up for mandatory retirement. Nobody at Sector General can begin to imagine what they'll do without him - assuming they last long enough to find out.

"Sector General is one of the few places in SF that one would really, really like to exist." -David Langford, Critical Mass

"White's finest performance, replete with wit, originality, medical expertise, and sheer decency." -Publishers Weekley (starred review)

Final Diagnosis  

Final Diagnosis

James White - 1998 
ISBN 0-812-56268-2

It's a massive hospital space station on the Galactic Rim - 384 levels, a staff of thousands - where human and alien medicine meet.

But Patient Hewlitt, new to Sector General, doesn't want to meet alien medicine - or alien doctors, or alien nurses, or aliens of any kind. Which is just to bad; he's an interesting case, and he'll have to get used to it.

In the meantime, it's always been an article of faith among Sector General's multispecies staff that infections can't pass from one alien race to another. But in this season of anomalies, it looks like they may might have their first-ever interstellar virus on their hands, their tentacles, their cillia...

Combining intrigue, ingenious puzzels (and even more ingenious solutions), action adventure, and White's characteristic easy charm, Final Diagnosis is a science-fictional treat.

"Marvelousley entertaining, and the clever medical mystery that underlies everything is nicely done as well. One of the best entries in this popular and inventive series." -Science Fiction Chronicle

The Alien Among Us  

The Alien Among Us

To live or die - To kill or cure - Which?

James White - 1969 
ISBN Ballantine Books, No 01545

Starting with his first book for Ballantine (HOSPITAL STATION) the theme of most of James White's writing has been concerned with the reconciliation of human to alien, and of human with human. The theme may be common to many writers. But White's stories of medicine as it may be practiced several hundred years in the future are uniquely imaginative, demonstrating again and again the fertility of his ideas and the humanity - or should one say, the alienity? - of his approach.

In THE ALIENS AMONG US, he uses not only medicine, but future variations oon war as the literal battleground to demonstrate ultimate sanity. These two theaters provide the skilled talent of James White with an infinite variety for expression, from humor to chilling exitement, our favorite nominee for the 3R Award - rewarding reading.

All Judgment Fled  

All Judgment Fled

James White - 1969 
ISBN Corgi Books, No 552-08198-1

Twelve million miles beyond the orbit of Mars appeared. The Ship - a gigantic alien vessel, mysterious, unmoving, and silent to all earth's efforts at communication.

Six men were sent to explore the enigma - six men in two tiny space craft - dwarfed to ant-size by the mammoth dimensions of The Ship...

Entry was made - and then the nighmare began - the horror of a labyrinth-world filled with unexplained terror...

"A gripping novel to read. The situation develops remorelessly and with an authenticity of detail that seems to belie the fictional basis of the background." - Tom Boardman in BOOKS & BOOKMEN

(C) Vincent Kessels (the.andromeda.project@xs4all.nl), V2.21 - 1999-2008